Going out out

It’s time to ditch the indoors.

Seriously? In this weather?
Yep. In every weather.

Think back over the last few years. You’re one tough cookie. A little bit of wet weather can’t stop you. The sun does shine too. Promise.

There are so many benefits to be rewarded with by training outdoors, join us and find out why we love it.

We are lucky to be based in a beautiful natural environment and it would be a crime not to incorporate this into our sessions. It really is a one of a kind outside training facility with endless possibilities.

Lets get out there and enjoy it together.



tuesday 9:30am (BEACH SESSION)




Monday 9:30am & Sunday 10:20am 
are the best start for anyone New 2 This.

group pt

small group training

You're gonna love it. Believe us.

These classes are based on fun, inclusion and building a functional level of fitness for everyday life and your athletic endeavours. 

You'll find a mixture of Strength, Calisthenics, Cardio and Metabolic Conditioning work. 

No idea what that sentence meant? 
Not a problem. 

Try, making lifting heavy things easier, exercises only using your bodyweight and cardio/calorie burning. 

Whatever you call it, you'll find a mixture of exercises put together in a variety of ways to keep it interesting and have you coming back for more.

Remember, it is you against you, for you, supported by those around you.

You will get out of it what you out in making the classes suitable for all levels.

Not sure where's the best fit? 
Just ask, we're happy to help.

Scared? Worried? Not fit enough and need to get fit before coming to a get fit class?

We've heard it and totally get it, 
but you've come this far. 

Don't get in your own way now.

The next bit is simple, 
just turn up - you'll be glad you did.



"I’ve always struggled to stick to any kind of exercise routine, and have always found gyms and classes very intimidating. 

Stepping out of my comfort zone in terms of health and fitness has been a really scary concept in the past. Starting our weekly program with Jon has been a game changer! 

His relaxed and inclusive approach to fitness has made me feel so welcome, seen and able to achieve! My mindset surrounding wellness and fitness has shifted and for the first time in my life I actually look forward to exercise!

 I’m so excited about achieving my goals and becoming stronger and healthier."

much more than a training session

wellbeing, support & advice

welcome to the jerk family 

You'll soon find out this is much more than just a training session, come spend some time with us and see for yourself.

When you do, you’ll find a genuinely inclusive environment full of fun, laughter & good tunes to keep you going.

Within your training block there will be a more wholesome approach than you may be used to. We'll be here with looking at wellbeing and personal development alongside weekly updates and support throughout.

With multiple trainers, we will be here for you, giving you tips, ideas and ready to help with juggling your fitness with everyday life.

We'll introduce and cover a number of training techniques and exercises in varying locations to make every week is interesting and different from the last.

There will be personalised training programmes for you as a group as well as individuals.

What are you waiting for?


"Great instructors with sessions that take place outside in all weather's all year round. Sessions are usually a mixture of strength and cardio with a varied array of exercises and equipment. I thoroughly enjoy the sessions and always look forward to them! The instructors , Matt and  Jon, are friendly and make you feel welcome as well as having a vast amount of knowledge on fitness."

who we be

the 3 trialISTS 

3 Sessions of your choosing to get a feel of what its like to be a Jerk. Welcome. Don't be scared. Seriously. I know full well the hardest thing is to try something new outside of your comfort zone. Honestly, I promise we're a nice bunch of people who are either like you or were like you a week/month/year ago and are here to all have a good time together and help each other. 
Thank you for joining us.

THE jerk academy

This is our name for all of those that train with us. Within this group is a wide range of people at different fitness levels and a mixture of backgrounds and goals they are heading towards. This truly is a wonderful community of supportive people all trying to help each other get better every day.

the jerk seniors

Seniors by experience level, not necessarily age. This is the original bunch of Jerks that have been training outdoors for a long time now. The level of knowledge and experience in this group is second to none so ask them for advice and tips. They'll happily talk your ear off about all things training related.


I've been asking myself this question for years and I'm still never sure.

I always end up getting in the wrong lane in the swimming pool, end up in the wrong heat of runners at races and still never end up in the fast line for self serve till at Tesco. 

If you're worried about joining a class as you don't think you're good enough, stop right there. Thank you very much. At the heart of everything we do we want it to be inclusive. 

If you're the slowest don't worry. I know it can get competitive, but the only competition it with yourself. 

I've been last and first and all the spots in between. trust me when I say there's no better feeling than being last and then kicking someone's ass the next week. 

Not that its a competition remember.


"The most amazing coaches bringing amazing people together.
It’s tough,exciting,exhausting,exhilarating and fun. 
Can’t recommend jerk training enough"

Time to get going.

Start a conversation.

Just click that What’s App button, 
say hello and let’s get going. 

I look forward to hearing from you.


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